From The Co-Founders


Tips, Tactics & Strategic Insights and Commentary
from The ROI Co-Founders, Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt
Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists LLC; Retail Turnaround Experts

Two charts. The future of retailing?

Take A Minute. Check Out These Two Charts. What Do You See?

This shows the average annual pre-tax income (in 2022) and average expenditures, for US total, and by generation.


And this chart shows total US population by generation, by age in 2022.

You may be looking at the future of retailing

Granted, everyone in retailing who looks at these two charts from the Collage Group* will conclude something different. Didn’t you?!

Well, our first impression resulted in several step-by-step “Ah Ha’s!!”

  • First, it’s obvious that Generation X spends by far the most. How appealing! 
  • But a closer look reveals that the 61 million of them is 11% fewer than the aging Baby Boomers. And a whopping 20% fewer than the Millennials.
  • Might they be spending on their children? Or aging parents?

Whoa! Generation X has been benefiting a great many retail operations – big spenders as they sure are – but it looks like that honeymoon will soon be over.

Will the 76.6 million Millennials ever spend like the Generation X before them?

  • Lots of studies have indicated that the Millennials are much more conservative, ecology-minded and will have/have had fewer children. Oh my.

Question:  As retail sales seem to be softening even now, have the Millennials already been having an effect?

  • And will that effect be growing stronger during the next 10-15 years? Many folks think so.

As we stated, everyone looking at these charts will have their own distinct conclusions. What are yours?!

  • Given your market – which is the only one that matters – which generation predominates? 
  • What might that mean for your strategies going forward?

Food for thought.

* For more information, see Collage Group.

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