FREE Access – Online Training Course + Calculator

Projecting and Controlling Inventory

Just complete the form below. Gain unlimited free access for 10 days. 

• Read through the course.

• Follow the I. M. Suriving Company in the Case Study.

• Use the included Buying Plan Forecaster as much as you wish. 



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  • And that's it! Just press the "Yes! Let's get started" button below. 

    You will have immediate free access to the Projecting and Controlling Inventory course, plus the Buying Plan Forecaster. 

    Use these as much as you wish for the next 10 days by logging in to The ROI site with your User Name and Password. Your access privileges will automatically expire at the end of 10 days. 

Since 1999, empowering retailers and store owners to "Turn on your financial headlights!"