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What Is The Retail Owners Institute?


People don't go into retailing to be financiers. 

  • They love the merchandise they sell, and/or they love the people who buy the merchandise. (Think book stores, sporting goods stores, gift shops, etc.) 
  • Others love the "theater", the excitement of retailing.
  • Still others want to be their own boss.

But few are attracted to the financial part. 

That's why The Retail Owners Institute® has been built. The ROI is dedicated to helping retailers "Turn on their financial headlights!"

Just Five Steps To Gain Financial Strength

Retailers:  "Knowledge Is Power!"

Use The ROI – Get Answers To These Five Questions


"How does my retail business compare?"

Go To Step #1 –
Key Ratios



"How about just a quick overview?"

Go To Step #2 -
Short Courses



"How do I put this to work in my business?"

Go To Step #3 –
How-To Info



"Okay. But I need to make decisions and plan for the future."

Go To Step #4 –
Use "What If...?"



"How do I do the Owner's Job better?"

Go To Step #5 –
For Owners



"What else do you have that I or my staff might need?"

Go To Extras

The ROI's Promise: Everybody Can "Get It!"

The Retail Owners Institute has been used and loved by thousands of retailers worldwide since 1999 (and many consultants to those retailers.) The ROI's promise: "Everybody can get it!"

Here’s what retail owners like you have said about using The ROI:

“I’ve stopped reacting and started planning. The ROI tools let me test ideas before making a decision. And the ability to project cash flow has reduced my stress significantly.”
– Specialty Boutique Owner

“I used the Buying Plan Forecaster before our last buying season, and it was a game-changer. I finally feel like I’m in control of my inventory!”
– CFO, Sporting Goods Retailer

“This is the only resource I’ve found that helps me think ahead instead of focusing on the past. It’s exactly what retail owners need.”
– Home Décor Shop Owner

📌 Take control of your financial future – Members get access to how-to resources, calculators, and expert insights. Learn More


Become a Member and unlock powerful retail financial resources. Start Now!

All of the copyrighted content and resources of The Retail Owners Institute® and its Family of Retail STRATA:G® Resources have been developed by and are the proprietary intellectual property of Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists, LLC – OutcaltJohnson.com – and its sole owners, Patricia M. Johnson and Richard F. Outcalt.

It may not be reused, reproduced or rewritten in any form without the express written consent of Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists, LLC.

The Retail Owners Institute® has been empowering retailers since 1999 to "Turn on their financial headlights!"
Our tools and resources are trusted by thousands of store owners to help grow profitable, resilient businesses.