Talk with The Co-Founders

"When everyone looks to you, where can you turn?"

 click here • see WHAT RETAILERS SAY about this service

There are times, as retailers wrangle with various issues, when getting some perspective from outside your circle of family and friends has a lot of appeal.

How do we know that? Because of the requests we have received over the years from people who use The ROI.

"The self-help resources are great.

"But I would sure like to just talk to someone about this."

And now, with all the changes in technology opening up new ways to "meet" with people wherever they are, we are introducing a Sounding Board Service for retailers.

Now is your chance to talk directly with the Co-Founders, and discuss in a confidential manner your most difficult issues.

Want to take advantage? Go here to reserve your complimentary Q&A session.

Free, confidential. No obligation.

Reserve Q&A session




Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt have been called "The Zen masters of retail finance!"; "doctors for retailers"; "Amazing!"

Known as good listeners, their engaging and empowering working style with owners and decision-makers is objective and collaborative, and appreciated for its real world practicality. See Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists or Retail Turnaround Experts to learn more about their professional experience.

The Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute®, Pat and Dick are recognized experts in strategic retailing. Their “day job” is Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists, LLC. Working only as a team, they focus exclusively on retail, or wherever retail is involved. They work throughout North America with CEOs, CFOs, boards and owners of retail operations, as well as manufacturers or wholesalers expanding into retail.

Remote Advisory Services

Once you've taken advantage of the free consulting session with Pat and Dick, you may choose to set up additional working sessions. 

Go here for more details about this special service and resource.


Since 1999, empowering retailers and store owners to "Turn on your financial headlights!"