From The Co-Founders


Tips, Tactics & Strategic Insights and Commentary
from The ROI Co-Founders, Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt
Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists LLC; Retail Turnaround Experts

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About Your 2025 Plans

What about your own expectations for 2025?

  • Will your sales less your expense goals add up to a profit? 

  • Or are there surprises ahead?

  • Do you have a way to know throughout the year?

That’s where the PROFITS Forecaster/Trend Tracker comes in.

  • This retailer-friendly calculator lets you project whether your expectations for sales, margins, and expenses will deliver the profit you need.

  • And here’s the best part: if you don’t like what you see, you can adjust your plan—quickly and easily. Before you’ve made any commitments!

  • And you can do it anytime during the year.

    With the PROFITS Forecaster, you can:

  • Test different “What if…?” ideas, like higher sales, better margins, or adjusted expenses.

  • Instantly see the financial impact of those changes.

  • Compare outcomes and find the mix that “pencils out” for you.

  • Let’s make it a profitable one!

    Think Smarter, Not Harder

    Each scenario takes less than a minute to enter, so you can focus on thinking and planning—NOT wrestling with spreadsheets. 

    And by comparing your profit projections with the Benchmarks, you’ll know whether your expectations are unrealistically high—or if you’re already outperforming others in your vertical without even realizing it.

    This perspective is priceless when crafting a profit plan for 2025.

    Benchmarks and sales results give you context, but your plan is what sets the direction for your business. 

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