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Retail IS Detail

Here are 25 Details That Matter – To Shoppers!

Available FREE, all week long  *  Exclusively at The Retail Owners Institute  

  • Retail IS Detail. And Details Matter!

    ©Copyright, The Retail Owners Institute® and Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists, LLC. All rights reserved.

Psst! What Your Stores Are Telling Your Customers

While few customers enter your store with a checklist and a clipboard, all will form an opinion the moment they step inside. As a retailer, you must be aware of the subconscious impressions your stores make.

In this TOPICAL TUESDAYS Strategy Seminar, you will learn the 25 items that studies have shown to be of greatest importance to shoppers.

Few are matters that shoppers ever would mention to you. Instead, they just mention them to their friends! Or, post their opinions on Yelp or some other "megaphone".  

How to deal with this? By knowing how to listen to what your stores are saying. In this lively TOPICAL TUESDAY session led by Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute, you will discover:

  • What are the 25 telling indicators that matter the most to customers?
  • How do we evaluate these from the customer's point of view? 
  • How do we tally those findings to fast-track our way to improvements?

Plus, see how easy it can be to involve your key staff people in these assessments.  

Then use The ROI's automated STORE RATER tool from your laptop, tablet or even a smartphone. It makes the process fast - and fun!

The Presenters

Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt have been called "The Zen masters of retail finance!" "Doctors for retailers." "Amazing!"

The Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute®, Pat and Dick are recognized experts in strategic retailing. Working only as a team – Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists, LLC – they have been consulting, publishing, and speaking professionally throughout North America.

They focus exclusively on retail, or wherever retail is involved. They work with CEOs, CFOs, boards and owners of retail operations, as well as manufacturers or wholesalers expanding into retail.

Known as good listeners, their engaging and empowering working style with owners and decision-makers is objective and collaborative, and appreciated for its real world practicality. See Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists and Retail Turnaround Experts to learn more about their in-person professional services.

Since 1999, empowering retailers and store owners to "Turn on your financial headlights!"