Know how much inventory - maximum - to bring in, and when, to reach your targets for sales, margins and turns. 

Buy with more confidence. 

Control your inventory like the pros do!


Where to start? 

Steps 1 through 5 should take about 90 minutes or so for you to Know It NOW!


Here's what's included in the BUYER'S Know It NOW! Bundle. 



Read the Article: 
Merchandise Planning Like the Pros Do 
5 minutes 


Watch the Webinar: 
How to Use Turnover to Drive Inventory Control
 48 minutes


Take the Course: 
Projecting Inventory Buying (Open-to-Buy) Plans       
 35 minutes


Read the Article: 
The "Diamond of Doom" of Excess Inventory 
 5 minutes


Read the Article: 
How to Shape Up Your Inventory - FAST! 
 5 minutes


Use the BUYING PLAN Forecaster 
Online Executive Calculator
for your own plans 


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  • And that's it

  • Just click the YES! Sign Up Now button. See below for a link to your Know It NOW! Bundle.

    Be watching your inbox for information for return visits. 

Since 1999, empowering retailers and store owners to "Turn on your financial headlights!"