Retail Financial How-To Webinars

Proprietary presentations by Retail Strategists Pat Johnson & Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The ROI

Unlimited Access for ROI Members • On-Demand, On Your Schedule

Easy to follow. Just sit back, watch and listen • Fast-paced, useful, and fun(!) • Packed with consulting tips • Get proven insights, practical approaches • Choose from 23 key topics • See online projecting calculators in action


Our pledge: Everybody "gets it!"



But...Will We Have a PROFIT?

We believe it's a "crime": too many independent retailers discover they've had a loss only when their financial statements arrive! That means they missed any opportunity to make needed adjustments in advance to avert – or at least reduce – that loss. Yikes!

Why does this happen? Some retailers lack the knowledge, or confidence, that they can manage and control their own profitability. Others think it is something their accountant, or bookkeeper, or CFO is supposed to do

Still others are uncomfortable projecting margins (usually due to a lack of understanding of the formula for Cost of Goods Sold). Many are victimized by financial statements that show operating expenses alphabetized (!) in excruciating detail.


In this lively webinar, Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The ROI, show how any retailer, anywhere, can know in advance whether or not they will be profitable.

  • Start by clustering the Income Statement's line item expenses into just five major categories (or "buckets" - that's a technical term!)

  • Step away from the to-the-penny details. (We leave those for the bookkeeper.)

  • See how - and why - Cost of Goods Sold affects profit.

  • See how The ROI's online PROFITS Forecaster (one of the 6 online Executive Calculators for Retailers) lets you do your own "What would happen if I...?" projections – and on-going adjustments – in just minutes. Anytime you want, 24/7. 

Demonstrates online PROFITS Forecaster for Retailers

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SURVIVAL! The Owner's #1 Responsibility

Like it or not, the #1 responsibility of the Owner of a retail business is the survival of the business.

Owners are being challenged as never before. Even as economists talk about "recovery", enabling your business to survive – amidst the changes in the retailing world – seems to demand new kinds of answers. It seems to many owners that the old ways of doing things just don't work anymore.

However, look a little closer. You will see that every retailer who is surviving is vigorously following the same four-step survival process. 

And what is the key survival ingredient common to all of these retailers? C-A-$-H!


This powerful TOPICAL TUESDAY Webinar presentation by Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute, is packed with specific, real-world (and street smart!) ideas you can apply immediately to improve the survival odds of your retail operation.

First, meet the Three Levels of Responsibilities in every retail business, and how to assure that each level is being addressed. 

Then, see and hear specifics about all four steps of the Four Step Survival Process:

  1. Conserve Cash

  2. Find Cash

  3. Find MORE Cash

  4. Start with Step #1 Again!

This Webinar concludes with a quick demonstration of the Retailer's 3-in-1 INTEGRATED Calculator in action. Watch as a retailer struggling to survive plays "What if...?" 

The 3-in-1 Calculator empowers retailers to "Turn on their financial headlights!", and quickly and easily compare strategic choices:

  • What if...we cut expenses in order to improve profits?

  • What if...we raise sales in order to improve cash flow?

  • What if...we reduce margins in order to raise sales?

  • What if...we try raising turns to improve cash flow?


Demonstrates "What would happen if I...?" Power of the 3-in-1 INTEGRATED Calculator


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The Basics of Turnover and Open-to-Buy

Most retailers have heard of "Open-to-Buy".  It's just slang for an Inventory buying plan. It's a budget for how much inventory to bring in, and when.

And, don't let anybody suggest otherwise: that buying plan can be determined by any retailer, anytime!


This session is on the Basics of Inventory Turnover and Open-to-Buy.  Our promise: Everybody will "get it"!


While having a monthly buying budget is imperative for retailers and their buyers, what's even better about an Open-to-Buy plan is the targeted Ending Inventory for each month. That is the number that all owners should be watching like a hawk!!


Why?  Because of the cause-effect relationship between inventory on hand and cash. The lower the inventory on hand, the lower the debt or the greater the cash, dollar for dollar.


This lively and interactive online seminar with Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute®:


  • Will cover the "Why?" and "How?" of using inventory turns to control your buying plans;   
  • Will highlight the essential 4th part of the basic 4-part formula for Open-to-Buys;
  • And, it will show you easy online tools at The ROI that empower you to do your own buying plans whenever you need them, all on your own. 

Demonstrates the online BUYING PLAN Forecaster



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How to Have Cash When You Need It! The "Secrets" of Retail Cash Flow

As a retailer, even if you have a profit, if you are out of cash, you may be perilously close to being out of business.

Severe cash flow problems are the #1 killer of retail businesses!

How to avoid these problems? By looking ahead, seeing that they're coming, and taking action to avert them. Or in other words, by projecting a Cash Flow plan for your retail business. 

The ROI makes Cash Flow planning easy and fast for retailers! 

And you can do it yourself, without your bookkeeper or accountant. This TOPICAL TUESDAYS Webinar shows you how.

First, we will review the four financial wheels under every retail business.

  • Next, the fundamental cash flow formula (spoiler alert: it only has 3 parts!)
  • Then, see the cause-effect links between sales, margins, expenses & inventory turns
  • The best part: see how The ROI's remarkable 3-in-1 INTEGRATED Cash Flow Calculator enables any retailer, anywhere, to do your own Cash Flow moments! 

The Power of GMROI - Gross Margin Return on Inventory (Investment)

After you have cut expenses - again - and asked your employees - once again - to do more with less, where else might you focus to improve productivity?


Well, how about that largest asset in your operation, your inventory? (Typically, 65%-80% of a retailer's total assets.)


This is not a hypothetical question. Retailers MUST know which lines of merchandise are contributing the most to the success of their business. And even more important, which might be pulling them down!


If you evaluate merchandise lines and vendors on sales volume or margins, or the relationship with the rep, this TOPICAL TUESDAY Seminar is definitely for you! It's all about GMROI - Gross Margin Return on Inventory (Investment) - the #1 Inventory Productivity Tool for Retailers.


In this seminar presented by Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The ROI, you will see:

  • What drives GMROI (Gross Margin Return on Inventory Investment), and why.
  • How the real value of GMROI is in comparing: departments, stores, even vendors!
  • Specific strategies for putting this powerful tool to work in your business.
  • How The ROI's online GMROI Calculator automates the number-crunching for you, letting you focus on the strategic "what if...?" decision making. 

Demonstrates online GMROI Calculator


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Multi-Department Open-to-Buy Planning. Anytime. From Anywhere!

By Month. By Department. By You!

Retailers – and their buyers – are subject to enormous pressures to buy more inventory.

Customers ask for products. Reps pitch the "New!" "Improved!" "Hot!" Or, special buys that "won't last!" Friends make well-intended suggestions. The pressures are relentless.


So, how do the pros in retailing deal with this everyday situation? By having an Open-to-Buy plan (slang for an inventory buying budget) that they believe in, and will follow and enforce

Only with a budget are retailers able to deal with all the pressures; to know "when to say when."


This lively TOPICAL TUESDAY Webinar is presented by Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The ROI. In a fast-paced 40 minutes, it shows how to build your own Open-to-Buy plans that you can believe in.

  1. Review the basics of Open-to-Buy planning (4-part formula; how turns are the "cruise control"; focus on Ending Inventory targets.) See how to do OTBs with a pencil!
  2. Demonstrate The ROI's remarkable online Multi-Department Open-to-Buy Calculator. Built by folks who know that your departments each have different sales, margins, and turns. See how those are the only entries you need to produce your monthly buying plans – in nanoseconds!

Plus, see how the online Open-to-Buy Calculator enables you to easily play "what if...?" with your plan. 

What if sales trend down? What if we had a big promotion next month? What if we improved turns just a bit? What if we switched to distributors?  

Seeing the implications of each of these "what if...?" ideas is empowering.


Demonstrates Online Multi-Department OPEN-TO-BUY Calculator  


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HOWs, WHYs, and, Especially, the WHENs of Managing Markdowns

Markdowns are a strategy that the savviest retailers use to their advantage to achieve their overall financial goals. Like a punt in football, or a sacrifice fly in baseball, when used at the right time and place, they help achieve the overall goals.


If you find yourself long on inventory and short on cash – whether from overbuying, expanding lines too quickly, taking advantage of "special buys" or overestimating sales, don't panic. You still can whip your inventory back into shape before it devours your profits. 


The key: act quickly, but be smart about the timing! Be pro-active!



In this lively webinar, Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, the Co-Founders of The ROI, will:


  • explain how all retailers are offering a "salad bar";
  • define "What is 'excess' inventory?"
  • show how the costs of excess inventory add up quickly
  • identify WHEN to take markdowns
  • offer dozens of practical tips of alternatives for retailers to use to clear out inventory without taking markdowns (!)
  • show how The ROI's 3-in-1 INTEGRATED Calculator enables you to strategically plan and manage markdowns proactively, not just reactively.

Demonstrates the "What would happen if I...?" power of the 3-in-1 INTEGRATED Calculator


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The 3 Stages of Retailers in Decline: 

How to Spot Them; What To Do

Look at your business the way consultants would!


Whether it's your favorite neighborhood shop or your own business, there are tell-tale early warning signs of distress. And now, The Retail Owners Institute has developed a simple - but effective - "grading form" you can use with any retail business. 

Here's the key: there are just 8 indicators to monitor, and Three Stages of Decline for each one. You can quickly see where there are trouble spots, and thereby know where to focus your fix-it efforts. 

Plus, you will receive lots of low-cost or no-cost ideas you can apply immediately.  




Introduces Three Stages of Retailers in Decline 


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The Indispensable Owner's Dashboard: Focus on Controlling the Controllables!

Retailing is a volatile industry. It always has an abundance of distractions. Many of these distractions are "uncontrollables": the economy, the weather, competitors, landlords, etc. All you can do is manage how you react to them, after the fact.  You know, "damage control."

But, there IS a way for retailers to Control the Controllables! What is the secret? Looking ahead! By focusing on projecting, not accounting, you can look aheadcompare choices, make decisions strategically, and apply adjustments in a timely way.

Or, as The ROI calls it, "Turn on your financial headlights!"


This lively webinar, led by Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute, introduces the Indispensable OWNER'S DASHBOARD.  A simple - yet elegant! - one-page form, it enables retailers to see ahead, and make adjustments as needed.

Learn how to Control the Controllables in your retail operation:

  • Measure the "leading indicators" of the financial health of your business

  • Monitor your business vitality

  • Project the performance targets you wish to achieve

  • Use the lead time to make needed adjustments

Demonstrates online KEY RATIOS Calculator


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FAST TRACK to More Financial Strength!

WHY - and HOW - to focus everything on your best, most profitable customer!


This proprietary concept from The ROI – the Retail STRATA:G® Wheel –  is the merger of strategic marketing planning with strategic financial planning.

It's the cause-effect connection between your best customers and your financial management.

Or, in other words, it substantiates how marketing and sales plans "pencil out". 


The retailers who will survive and thrive are those who focus on and grow with their most profitable customers. 

Once you know how to identify them, thanks to the Retail STRATA:G Wheel, lots of other decisions can be made - strategically. Which merchandise? Which vendors? What pricing strategy? What promotional events? Who to hire? What in-store music track? Use social media, or not? 

Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, the Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute®, present this innovative concept in a lively seminar.

  1. They introduce this strategic way of thinking, managing, and "connecting the dots"

  2. Walk through the step-by-step process for you to turn your existing data into useful information, and discover the best, most profitable customers for your retail operation.

See how to use the Retail STRATA:G Wheel to gain more control over your business. This unique concept that merges strategic marketing planning with strategic financial planning is exclusive to The Retail Owners Institute. And it has helped thousands of retailers sleep better at night!


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Bank or Vendor Negotiations? A Piece of Cake!!


More than ever before, you must be strategic in your approach to prospective lenders and creditors.

Few of them will take the time to actually learn your business. Therefore, you need to learn what drives their business! Especially given today's economic climate, and the adjustments that the banks and credit managers must make to the "New Normal".

This lively and insightful webinar with Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute, will cover a lot of ground, and provide proven strategic advice on these kinds of negotiations.



First, some fundamentals. Then, some more advanced concepts and strategic approaches available only from The ROI. 


  • Bankers and credit managers: What makes them tick? 

  • How to speak "banker-ese"

  • The "5 C's" that matter to lenders and creditors

  • How to negotiate from strength with bankers or vendors - even when you're not financially strong!

  • How to project - and present - your business plans to make your case

Demonstrates Online Key RATIOS Calculator and Retailer's 3-in-1 INTEGRATED Calculator 


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The Four Financial Wheels Under Every Retail Business

Many retail owners have faced this situation at one time or another: a fellow retailer (perhaps in your community, or someone you know through a trade association, etc) asks for your advice. Or - gulp! - asks for a loan!

How would you - or did you - respond? Wish you could have do-overs? Well, there is a way you can help without ruining the friendship, or your bank account.

This TOPICAL TUESDAYS Strategy Seminar, led by Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute®, will show you an approach to take whenever you face those kinds of requests.


First we will review the inter-connections of the Four Financial Wheels Under Every Retail Business. Then, we use the case study of the A. Little Shaky Company, owned by our friend Al Shaky, who has requested a loan from you.


See how to use the Four Financial Wheels to frame the discussions with Al. Then, together with Al,


  • you analyze the Shaky Company's performance

  • identify its true trouble-spots (and the underlying causes of those troubles)

  • determine whether there are opportunities for generating more cash from within the business

  • help Al set priorities for solving the underlying causes

  • enable Al to see for himself that a loan from you is not the answer; instead, he and his business can resolve the issues for themselves! (Hint: It's all about the cause-effect, cause-effect connections.)

Includes the A. Little Shaky Company Case StudyWould you loan $50,000 to Al?


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The Owner's Dilemma: Whether to Fund My Business? Or My Family?

"How in the world am I going to pay for my daughter's college? Or that new roof at home?" 

"Or instead, will it be new computers at the store?"

If you are an employee of a business, even as CEO, you know what your paycheck will be and that you will get it every payday.  As long as you still have your job, the only way it would change is by getting more commissions or bonuses. Therefore, you are able to plan and budget expenditures for yourself, your family and your household.

However, about 92% of all retail businesses are privately owned. As such, the Owner's draw or salary can frequently be the last thing that is paid, depending on the other obligations. 

This is what we call "the Owner's Dilemma". Having to choose what to fund, what gets paid. All too often, given the seasonality of retail businesses, there simply is not enough cash to fund the business and take care of all your personal obligations. 

So, the Owner must choose:

  • Do I take money out for my household and family?

  • Or, do I use that money in the business?

  • And most important, when could I do either of those things?

Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, the Co-Founders of The ROI, have identified all of the forces at work, and developed an innovative decision-making framework for retailers. They share that in this TOPICAL TUESDAY Webinar.

  • First, Owners must understand the basic cause-effect levers of their financial statements.

  • Next, they must recognize that they have not just one, but TWO financial statements. And these are interdependent.

  • Then, Owners must manage the cash flow of "interdependence" very carefully.

  • Finally, Owners can benefit by being able to teach this interdependence to their employees and their households.

  • Plus, see how The ROI's 3-in-1 INTEGRATED Calculator enables you to examine your choices ("What would happen if I...?") and make informed, responsible decisions.

Knowledge IS power! Understanding the tugs and pulls of this interdependence can help you anticipate and better manage the impacts of this inevitable conflict.

Demonstrates 3-in-1 INTEGRATED Cash Flow Calculator


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How to Outperform(!) the Economy

Outperforming the economy does not necessarily mean growing faster. Instead, it means getting financially stronger.

And how is financial strength measured? Not by sales increases, or just profits and loss. But, by looking at the Balance Sheet, where assets, debts, and owner's equity are measured.

So, one way to outperform the economy is to get better at managing and controlling the assets on your Balance Sheet.

But, in The ROI's view, a retailer's assets are not limited just to those listed on the Balance Sheet. 

Instead every retailer has THREE kinds of assets


Sadly, the other two kinds of assets - those not listed on the Balance Sheet - can be obscure, unrecognized, or sometimes simply overlooked or dismissed.

So, how to "outperform the economy"? By shrewdly marshaling all three kinds of assets to improve your financial strength and staying power. And to give you choices! 

In this TOPICAL TUESDAYS Webinar led by Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute, you will:

  • Review the STRATA:G® Business Wheel, and its cause-effect, cause-effect levers for your business;

  • Go beyond the Balance Sheet to dentify the other two kinds of assets (and liabilities!);

  • Gain new insights into the strategic options available to you in your retail operation;

  • Plus, a new-found appreciation for all of the assets available to you to achieve your business goals and dreams.


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What 2 Tell-All Key RATIOS Are Telling Outsiders About Your Business

Here is what your Balance Sheet is telling outsiders - in nanoseconds! - about your business:

Will you be able to pay your bills on time?

Is your business getting financially stronger, or weaker?

Wouldn't you like those answers as well?

When you can read your own Balance Sheet better than outsiders can, you are empowered to take charge of your own future. No matter whether sales are up, down, or sideways, there are tell-tale "vital signs" about your business. And you can find them and use them for yourself.


This lively TOPICAL TUESDAYS Webinar is presented by Pat Johnson & Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The ROI. In a fast-paced 40 minutes, they

  • identify 2 key ratios and show why they matter
  • explain how you can quickly and confidently calculate them in your own business

  • provide an overview of the 5-year trend charts of 6 key ratio benchmarks from 55 retail segments

  • show how you can easily compare your ratios to other stores like yours.

Remember, you're already paying for your Balance Sheet!  Whether or not you read or use it, the outside world of vendors, lenders, landlords, and other creditors sure does!

Demonstrates the Key Ratios Calculator  •  includes Case Study: J.C.Penney


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How to Save Your Assets! (Yep, All 3 Kinds!)

One of the major responsibilities of Ownership is the survival of the business. And for Ownership,  that means managing the assets of the business. It starts with those assets listed on the Balance Sheet. But it doesn't stop there!

The ROI has identified that every retail operation, whether bricks-and-mortar and/or online, actually has THREE distinct kinds of assets.

Retailers' assets are not limited to those listed on the Balance Sheet.  But sadly, the other two kinds of assets - those not listed on the Balance Sheet - can be obscure, unrecognized, or sometimes simply overlooked or dismissed.

Since all three kinds of assets add to - or subtract from - the total value (yes, equity) in your business, it is important to know what they are, and to manage them effectively.


In this thought-provoking webinar, Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The ROI, will:

  1. Introduce and define all three kinds of assets;

  2. Give you a framework for assigning individual assets in your business to one of the three kinds of assets, and evaluating each kind (you know, put a $ value on each kind);

  3. And, of course, show how to balance your Balance Sheet by also recognizing any associated liabilities for all three kinds of assets in your business.

Not only will you be able to get a truer picture of the worth of your business, you will be better able to monitor and manage all three kinds of assets to accomplish your goals as Owner.


Introduces Three Kinds of Assets in Retail Businesses


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Projecting Your Financial Statement - and Your Future! - with the "Nine Stepper"

The Balance Sheet – that all-too-often neglected part of the financial statement – can show in just minutes how well your business is doing, and what the near future holds.

Every retailer must be able to do this!

But, the real power - and sophistication - comes when you can PROJECT your P&L and Balance Sheet, and then manage your retail business to that pro forma (projected) Financial Statement.

The Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute® have developed an advanced Strategic Retailing tool that captures and properly sequences the 9 key steps for projecting a retail financial plan.

To learn about this sophisticated technique, sit back and watch this TOPICAL TUESDAYS webinar: How to Project(!) Your Retail Financial Statement with the NINE STEPPER.

  • See the "Why?" and "How?" of projecting both your P&L and your Balance Sheet

  • Review the cause-effect links of your financial statements

  • Meet the NINE STEPPER, which guides retailers through the proper sequence of analytical and planning steps.

True, projecting your retail financial statement IS an advanced retail management concept. But The ROI's NINE STEPPER makes it accessible to all retailers! 

Demonstrates online KEY RATIOS Calculator; and, Online 3-in-1 INTEGRATED Cash Flow Calculator


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When Your Employees Want to Know "WHY?"

Or, You Want to Know "Why NOT?"

One of the powerful attractions of retailing for many owners is how dynamic it is. Change is the name of the game! Yet, many retailers encounter resistance to changes, not from customers, but often from their own employees!

Since mediocre execution of even the most brilliant strategy can doom it to failure, it is essential that retailers get "buy in" from their staff. More than ever before, retail senior management must be better trainers, teachers, and coaches. Increasingly, that demands a willingness to explain "Why"

"WHY are we doing this?" •  "Why NOW?" • "Why NOT do something else?"

Being able to answer "Why?" shows leadership. 

It demonstrates your respect for your employees, and creates confidence and reassurance for implementing changes.

This lively and insightful online seminar with Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute®, shows how you can present the compelling retail financial "Big Picture" (that nobody else teaches!) to answer those "Why?" questions.

  • See why and how to move the focus from the P&L to the Balance Sheet.

  • Learn the fundamental financial cause-effect levers in retailing.

  • See how your staff can use the STRATA:G® Business Wheel to analyze new proposals, vendors, lines, etc. In fact, your employees will soon be able to answer those Why? questions for themselves!

  • And, discover how to know "Why not?" 

Demonstrates the Retail STRATA:G® Wheel


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Accountability Starts at the Top: Job Description for Owners (!)

The ROI believes "The greatest growth opportunity in retailing is between the ears of the Owners."  

Being the Owner is a job all its own, separate from being "the Boss" or President. As such, it demands its own Job Description. How else can the Owner be held accountable?

An innovative and thought-provoking concept, this has helped many retailers clarify and prioritize - and sleep better at night! 

In this Retail Strategy Seminar, Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, the Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute®, present and explore this provocative concept in depth.


  • The ROI has identified that there are 3 Levels of Responsibilities in every business, one of which belongs only to the Owner(s).
  • Moreover, The ROI has defined that the Owner has a separate responsibility, a separate job, from the President or CEO.

  • Further, The ROI suggests that the job of Owner is the most overlooked and under-performed job in retailing today. 

  • To that end, The ROI believes Owners should be held accountable for properly performing their job. Indeed, they should have an annual Performance Review. And that requires, of course, an Owners Job Description.

Hear the 5 major components of the Owners job, and see how you can develop your own annual goals for doing the job that only the Owners can do.


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Using the STORE RATER: See How Shoppers See Your Stores

Your Stores Are Talking to Your Customers. Do You Know What They're Saying?!

While few customers literally enter your store with a checklist and a clipboard, they might as well. All form an opinion the moment they step inside. As a retailer, you must be aware of the subconscious impressions your stores make. 


In this TOPICAL TUESDAYS Strategy Seminar, you will learn the 25 items that studies have shown to be of greatest importance to shoppers. Few are matters that shoppers ever would mention to you. Instead, they just mention them to their friends! Or, post their opinions on Yelp or another social media "megaphone".  


How to deal with this? By knowing how to listen to what your stores are "saying"


In this lively TOPICAL TUESDAY session led by Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute, you will discover: 


  1. What are the 25 telling indicators that matter the most to customers?

  2. How do we evaluate these from the customer's point of view

  3. How do we tally those findings to fast-track our way to improvements?

  4. And, see how easy it can be to involve your key staff people in these assessments. 

Then use The ROI's automated STORE RATER tool from your laptop, tablet or even a smartphone. It makes the process fast - and fun!


Demonstrates the online STORE RATER

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So...How Are We Trending? 

Up? Down? Or Sideways?

Especially during times of major changes economically, retailers are well advised to focus on your customers, control the "controllables", and above all else, keep perspective!

That third one - "keep perspective" - can seem daunting. What's the secret to achieving that? In today's lingo, it would be "metrics". That is, measure and monitor  your tactics and results.

For a quick overview of a 4-step process that enables you to know whether your business is trending up, down, or sidways, watch this Strategy Seminar led by Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute.



Here are those four steps:

  1. Turn data into information

  2. Identify "Where are we NOW?"

  3. Choose "Where do we want to go?"

  4. Monitor your progress, monthly

During this Strategy Seminar, you will see how to use the Retailer's Trend Tracker. 

This simple, low-tech tool enables you to focus on tracking your progress vis-a-vis your plan. Plus, experience one of The ROI's online calculators, the PROFITS Forecaster, that streamlines and automates your budgeting and profit planning work.

Demonstrates the PROFITS Forecaster


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Advertising: Time to Be More Shrewd!

Advertising increasingly is an arms race: it just keeps escalating!

And advertising effectiveness? You know, those problems that prompted John Wanamaker to declare, "Half my advertising budget is wasted. I just don't know which half!"

Now, with the hype surrounding "social media" and its uses for advertising, there may be the potential for retailers to waste ALL of their advertising budget. Yikes!

What better time to take a strategic look at your ad budget and plans? Our focus at The ROI is to enable you to work smarter, not harder, and for all your expenditures to work smarter as well.


This lively Retail Strategy Seminar, led by Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute®, examines a retailer's advertising from the strategic perspective.

  • First, see why some advertising messages fall short

  • Learn how marketing is different from advertising

  • See how marketing can be applied to retailing

  • Explore social media, "Facebook Followers", content marketing, etc

  • See how retailers can do their own marketing plans, focused on their most profitable customers.


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Is IT Time to Buy? Sell? Or Hold?

A Three-Step Approach, Specifically for Retailers 

You've begun to think anew about charting your own course to your own future. So as you think about your stores, you've been wondering: is now the time to buy additional stores? Sell the ones you have? Or, is it best to stay focused on running your current operation?

Those are great questions, and the sooner you evaluate them, the better off you will be. 

It is all about using your lead time. 

Join us for this unique TOPICAL TUESDAYS Strategy Seminar. Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute, will present the 3-Step Approach to valuating a retail business. This is a unique process, which they developed specifically for retailers.


First, some reminders when either buying or selling a business:

  • Those things that will help you get the outcome you want.

  • And, just as important, those that can hurt your efforts, and how you might overcome them.

Next, do your homework.

  • Get the financial and legal paperwork in order.

  • Spruce up the "curb appeal."

  • Begin preparing the important "Opportunity Overview".

Then, the key step: how to put a price tag on the business. This is where retail businesses deserve a different approach than other businesses.

  • Retailers are advised to use the Asset-based valuation method, but only when it addresses and values all THREE KINDS of assets in a retail business.

  • An example of this approach is shown, complete with the 3-part Balance Sheet used by a retailer who successfully sold his store.


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The Presenters

Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt have been called "The Zen masters of retail finance!" "Doctors for retailers." "Amazing!"

The Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute®, Pat and Dick are recognized experts in strategic retailing. Working only as a team – Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists, LLC – they have been consulting, publishing, and speaking professionally throughout North America.

They focus exclusively on retail, or wherever retail is involved. They work with CEOs, CFOs, boards and owners of retail operations, as well as manufacturers or wholesalers expanding into retail.

Known as good listeners, their engaging and empowering working style with owners and decision-makers is objective and collaborative, and appreciated for its real world practicality. See Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists and Retail Turnaround Experts to learn more about their in-person professional services.

What Retailers Say

"These webinars have had a profound effect on our business.  

They have acted as a springboard to initiate a new philosophy of spending at our store.  

Thank you. They are really good."

--Kathleen J., Gift Shop Owner 

"Excellent program today. Your presentations are very good and the information is always very useful. 

We are about to open another store. Keep up the great work!" 

--Dave R., Owner/President, Gourmet Food Shops 

"You have reinspired me! 

Thank you!"

--Robyn H., Owner, Home Accessories Store

"You two are hilarious, as usual, bantering back and forth.

Excellent presentation today!!"

--Tim O., President, Luxury Linens Stores

"Your website and tools and webinars are exceptionally great, and hit the mark dead center!  You make so much sense. 

Now I've started to see the light and how to manage inventory turns to manage cash. 

Love your stuff!"

--Clyde A., Co-Owner, Specialty Boutique

"Thank you for the great seminar today. 

I feel as though I have attended a college class working towards a business degree." 

-- Mike C., Owner, Hardware Store

"The Webinar yesterday was very helpful. Easy to follow and informative. 

Thank you very much!"

--Pamela C., Retail Operations Manager, Museum Store

"Very informative presentation. Thank you. 

I enjoyed your perspective and have changed the way I look at my financial statements forever!" 

--Michael P., President, Custom Home Electronics Centers

"Great presentation! You guys are fun to listen to!" 

--Lisa L., Owner, Women's Boutique

"The Webcast was very useful. 

If I had that information 7 years ago I would not have opened our second location, which we closed last year.  

I look forward to attending more of them."

--Don T., President., Audio/Video Stores

"Your session this week on markdowns was great. You guys really fired me up!"

--Pamela D., Owner, Wine Shop

"You guys rock! Very helpful."

--Randy C., President, Sporting Goods  chain

"The sessions were great today.  Please sign me up for all sessions. Thanks!" 

-- Michael M., V.P. of Operations

"I found your webinar today very interesting, informative, and useful.
It is the first time I have heard a webinar that actually gave information that can be applied.
Thank you!" 

-- Karen O.,General Manager, Home Technology Stores