Managing Store Issues

People • Sales • Locations • Customers • "Theater of Retailing" • Marketing


"Am I running this business...or is it running me?!"

As the saying goes, "Retail is detail!"

That's why the most contented retailers are those who recognize that there are Three Levels of Issues, or Responsibilities, in every retail business.

  • Ownership level

  • President/CEO level 

  • Management level

Each level must focus on its own responsibilities (and yes, the Ownership level is its own job!)

Plus, each level must have the commensurate authority to be effective.

In that environment, everybody is empowered, and able to help "Put the fun back into retailing!"  

Since 1999, empowering retailers and store owners to "Turn on your financial headlights!"

12 SEP

Answering WHY?


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