From The Co-Founders


Tips, Tactics & Strategic Insights and Commentary
from The ROI Co-Founders, Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt
Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists LLC; Retail Turnaround Experts

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Finding Inspiration – On the Kids' Menu??

We recently learned of a restaurant with a kids menu which is quite unusual.

Of course, having a kids menu is not unique. But here's what IS unusual about this one.

When kids are asked "What would you like to eat?", often their answers can range from "I don't know" to "I don't care." 

But at this restaurant, here is what each all-too-familiar answer brings to the table:

"I don't know" = baked ziti

"I don't care" = chicken tenders and fries

"I'm not hungry" = baked cheese ravioli

"I don't want that" = lasagna

"I'm tired" = choice of pasta, choice of sauce

"NOOOOOOOOO!" = ham and cheese pita with fries

"Fine!!!" = personal pizza

This "Menu Per Bambini" speaks volumes, doesn't it? It says to its customers, the parents, "We get it!" 

What a powerful connection with the customer. And a wonderful differentiation from other family restaurants. Not to mention a great word-of-mouth opportunity for attracting even more families. 

(In fact, couldn't they have a similar menu for Millennials? Or for weary business travelers? Or any number of folks suffering decision fatigue?)

Most of all, we see it as a real inspiration. 

• People prefer stores that are upbeat

• stores that provide solutions

• stores that make the experience worthwhile, even fun.

So, how might you and your stores be able to make this same kind of "We get it!" connection with your customers? 

It's time to unleash your store's personality. Let your likability come out. 

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