From The Co-Founders


Tips, Tactics & Strategic Insights and Commentary
from The ROI Co-Founders, Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt
Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists LLC; Retail Turnaround Experts

"Freedom" From Old Merchandise

Use This Four-Day-Fourth To The Max!

Get "Freedom" From Old Merchandise

Find out how revolutionizing it can be to have freedom from old merchandise!

This year, the stars align. The 4th of July is on a Thursday!

We see it as a gift for retailers from the calendar gods. Four days, Thursday through Sunday. What a great opportunity for a true blow-out sale event!

The smart merchants, like you are, can hardly wait. Only 3 weeks to go. Use the lead time, starting now. Plan out every aspect.

Look around at your merchandise, wherever it is. On the shelf or in the backroom. Whether you sell tires, or toys, or tomato plants, everything is a candidate.

  • Even if it's fairly new, but not selling – mark it down!
  • If it's not current, it's old.
  • If it's old, mark it down! Turn it into cash. Take whatever you can get for any and all old goods

Be ready to use those 4 days to the max. Start now!

  • Plan to experiment. Feature some discounts as percentages, others as dollar amounts. See which works better.
  • And be sure to make those discounts big enough to matter to today's shoppers! (Noticed how 20% off doesn't cut it anymore?)
  • Get the balloons and signs ready.  
  • Think sidewalk sales. Maybe rent a big tent?
  • Make it festive and fun. Involve your staff in doing that.
  • Group merchandise by color (you know which ones to feature!)
  • Play those Sousa marches (keeps people moving too!)
  • Consider lowering the prices each day. Minimize what’s left over.

Do it right, and the customers will love it!

  • Just remember, you won't be the only retailer doing this.
  • Be ready to be very competitive.

Find out how revolutionizing it can be to have freedom from old merchandise! And, more cash in the old till!

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