Retail Sales & Profits

How-to Info plus Online Tools for Managing Retail Sales & Profits


Retail profits growth


From the Library for Owners | Profit Management

The ROI's How-To Articles


The Myth of "the Bottom Line" 

Retail business owners are conditioned from day one to "have a profit" and "improve the bottom line".  

Yet, sadly, most owners aren’t sure exactly why. 
  1. What IS profit? 
  2. Where does it go? 
  3. Why is it important?  

read more here


How to Read and Use Your Financial Statement 

Put the cause-effect, cause-effect power to work in your retail business. 

Get a greater sense of control – and the peace of mind that comes with it!

read more here


Want More Profits? Find Your Most Profitable Customers!

In The ROI's view, the key to survival in retail is not profitable lines of merchandise, nor even profitable stores.  

Instead, those retailers who will survive and thrive will be those who have the most profitable customers! 

read more here


The Four (Only!) Ways Retail Businesses Grow

Before you get too far down the road in planning another store, adding new merchandise lines, or some other expansion, you first must decide on your fundamental growth strategy. 

Why? Because your growth strategy and your tactics must align.

read more here


Are Your Profits Hiding in Plain Sight?

The typical accounting package lists expenses in alphabetical order. From Advertising, to Auto Expenses, then Bank Charges, and so on. Lines and lines of separate expense items, all detailed to the penny. How useful is that?!

Is this designed to inform? Or, to confuse and confound? No wonder few retailers will spend much "quality time" with their financial statements.

The ROI's 'bucketizer'



FREE – Any PROFITS Ahead for Your Stores?

No need to guess. Now you can see for yourself. On your own. Free!  Go HERE • Try it yourself 

Power Tools for Profit Planning

Online Calculators for Retail Decision-Makers


PROFITS Forecaster with Trend Tracker

"We ARE going to have a profit, right?!"  Now find out for yourself – without having to ask anybody.  more


Project & Control Retail PROFITS

The ROI's online eLearning Kit - Projecting & Controlling Profits - deals directly with the retailer's day in and day out challenge.  See for yourself, in advance, whether you will have a profit.

Learn This Once - Profit From It Over and Over

It may take you about an hour to work through this eLearning course on Projecting & Controlling Profits. You will learn:

  • how to turn your Income Statement - a bookkeeping and accounting tool - into a useful management tool
  • how to better analyze past results and see "the Big Picture" of where you've been
  • how to use the online PROFIT Forecaster
  • how to know - in advance! - whether a given combination of sales, margins, and expenses would produce a profit

more info

ROI Members have unlimited access

Save time! Know It NOW! bundle for busy retailers

We get it. There is a lot of how-to information here at The Institute. 

And sometimes, you just "Need to Know it NOW!"

So, we've put together some "Know It NOW!" Bundles. Go here to see the BUDGETING Bundle


Watch • Listen • Practice • Do-It-Yourself • Know It NOW! 


"Samplers" from TOPICAL TUESDAYS Webinars | Profit Management

Short how-to segments on managing sales and profits from TOPICAL TUESDAYS Webinars by the Co-Founders

Financial Know-How | Empowering & Fun(!) Webinars for Retailers

Most TOPICAL TUESDAY Webinars demonstrate one of The ROI's online Projecting Calculators for Retailers

click each circle below for more info

Balance Sheet & 2 Key Ratios Seminar   How to Project Retail Profit and Loss Statement Seminar Retail Owners Dashboard Seminar

The Retail Owners Institute® has been empowering retailers since 1999 to "Turn on their financial headlights!"
Our tools and resources are trusted by thousands of store owners to help grow profitable, resilient businesses.