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The Retail Owners Institute asserts that GMROI - Gross Margin Return on Inventory (Investment) - is the #1 measure of inventory productivity. 

GMROI tells you how many Gross Margin dollars you are getting back for each dollar you have invested in inventory. That's why some call it the "earn 'n turn" calculation.

Now, The Retail Owners Institute makes it easier than ever for you to put this powerful tool to work in your retail operation.

It's easy to use The ROI's online GMROI Kit. 

• Follow the entertaining case study. 

• Practice using the unique GMROI Calculator

• Start immediately to take advantage of GMROI in your own business. 

• See for yourself why the real pros in retailing depend on GMROI.

"Learn it. Do it. And profit from it!"

It will take you less than an hour to work through this one-of-a-kind GMROI Kit. It includes an explanatory how-to eLearning course and case studies to practice using the unique GMROI Calculator. 

Learn for yourself how to use GMROI to evaluate your own buying strategy. Gain more control over the largest asset in your retail operation - your inventory!

Structured, Self-Paced Training Course. Plus, Online GMROI Calculator

In this one-of-a-kind, online, self-paced course available only from The Retail Owners Institute, you will learn:

  • the formula for calculating GMROI;
  • how and why to use GMROI;
  • how to use The ROI's GMROI Calculator;
  • how to project GMROI for your operation;
  • how to use GMROI to improve the productivity of your inventory

GMROI eLearning Course Chapters

  1. Inventory Productivity Can Be Measured - and Managed!
  2. Calculating GMROI
  3. How to Use GMROI to Set Buying Priorities and Make Buying Decisions A Case Study using the GMROI Calculator
  4. "Shouldn't we project GMROI, so we can make better buying decisions?" Case Study #2 using the GMROI Calculator
  5. GMROI Results of 52 Retail Segments
  6. Test Your Knowledge of GMROI
  7. Use The Retail Owners Institute's GMROI Calculator

See a SAMPLER of this eLearning course for yourself.  click here


GMROI Calculator

See more about this one-of-a-kind inventory productivity tool for retailers. About the GMROI Calculator


Unlimited FREE Access for ROI Members!  Not a Member? CLICK HERE

20 MAY

Help Your Retailers Grow Sales


Every retailer (and every organization) wants more sales.

Why can't retailers get more sales?
They think they don't have enough money to spend on growing sales.

Why don't retailers have enough money?
It's tied up in their excess inventory.

Why is that? Why is the money tied up in their inventory?
Because nobody has ever taught (or required) them how - or why! - to manage inventory.
(Unless an independent retailer has come from the training/ discipline/ enforcement of a major retailer, they likely don't know how to expertly manage inventory, e.g., turnover, margins, stock/sales ratios, etc. In fact, at least 98% of independent retailers do not have a properly trained inventory manager.)

You want to raise sales?

It has to start between the ears of the independent owner. They must get more money from their inventory and put it toward promotion, etc.

There's a cause-effect, cause-effect connection between sales, inventory, profits, and cash. They are INTEGRATED.

And now, that can be learned!

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Our tools and resources are trusted by thousands of store owners to help grow profitable, resilient businesses.