Every retailer (and every organization) wants more sales.
Why can't retailers get more sales?
They think they don't have enough money to spend on growing sales.
Why don't retailers have enough money?
It's tied up in their excess inventory.
Why is that? Why is the money tied up in their inventory?
Because nobody has ever taught (or required) them how - or why! - to manage inventory.
(Unless an independent retailer has come from the training/ discipline/ enforcement of a major retailer, they likely don't know how to expertly manage inventory, e.g., turnover, margins, stock/sales ratios, etc. In fact, at least 98% of independent retailers do not have a properly trained inventory manager.)
You want to raise sales?
It has to start between the ears of the independent owner. They must get more money from their inventory and put it toward promotion, etc.
There's a cause-effect, cause-effect connection between sales, inventory, profits, and cash. They are INTEGRATED.
And now, that can be learned!