Why Expense "Buckets"?
When projecting, it is easier to group expenses into 5 major categories, or "buckets". Variable expenses, a percent of sales, are grouped together. Fixed expenses, with essentially the same dollar amount each month, are sorted into 4 other planning categories.
For each of these 5 expense categories, you make just ONE ENTRY, one time, in the 3-in-1 INTEGRATED Calculator. (Want to tweak your expense projections? Easy. Just adjust ONE ENTRY.)
Selling Expenses - Variable expense
Examples: Store payroll, including taxes and benefits; Advertising; Bags & boxes; Special events; etc.
Occupancy Expenses - Fixed expense, essentially flat $ amount each month
Examples: Rent; Utilities; Maintenance; Security; CAM charges; etc.
Administrative Expenses - Fixed expense, essentially flat $ amount each month
Examples: Management salaries (Owner; General Manager; Buyer) including taxes and benefits; Support staff/services (bookkeeping; IT; warehouse; marketing); Interest on borrowed money; Professional services (legal, accounting); Training; Travel; All other expenses not included elsewhere.
Taxes - Federal, State, Local taxes not included elsewhere.
Depreciation/Amortization - Fixed expense, essentially flat $ amount each month.
These are non-cash expenses, and must be kept separate in order to project the Cash Flow.
Look at Your Projections. Now, Adjust As Needed!
Does your projected P&L show you will have a loss?
Does the cash flow projection show cash shortfalls ahead?
Try out some "What if...?" adjustments. Immediately see the effect!
On the Profits screen, change Sales in any month(s). Remember to adjust Gross Margins in those months as needed. Then, go to the Projected Cash Flow to see the effect.
On the Profits screen, adjust your planned expenses. Then, return to the Projected Cash Flow to see the effect.
On the Inventory screen, enter a higher turnover rate. Then, go back to the Projected Cash Flow to see the effect.
The Projected Cash Flow allows you to show the effect of Dating on your Cash Flow. Enter the $ amounts to be deferred in the appropriate month(s); ALSO enter the $ amounts due to be paid in the appropriate month(s). All entries are positive amounts; round all $ entries to nearest thousand.
The Projected Cash Flow includes inputs for Loans Received and Loan Repayments. (Note: Interest on the borrowed funds must be added into Administrative Expenses on the P&L inputs.)
Just add your judgment! The 3-in-1 INTEGRATED "What if...?" Calculator does the number crunching for you.
"Turn on Your Financial Headlights!"
Adjustments all in? Like what you see? Great!
Now, print it out: Your 3-in-1 INTEGRATED Retail Financial Plan. Just choose the ".pdf file" button.
You will get:
Monthly "big picture" operating budget for you.
And Projected INVENTORY BUYING PLAN (Open-to-Buy)
Based on your planned sales, margins, and targeted turnover rate, a monthly buying plan for your total operation. Each month's targeted ending inventory is a key number!
And Projected CASH FLOW
Fully integrated Cash Flow plan specifically for retailers: reflects the effect of inventory purchases, sales, margins and expenses on your cash flow.
"Turn on Your Financial Headlights!"™